Put Family First – Eat Together

November 05 2012

By MealEasy in Articles, Family

Healthy meals make happy families

We live in a hectic time.

For parents with young children, it can be very stressful rushing to after-school activities, often stopping to quickly grab a fast meal somewhere on the road. Home cooking has become an uncommon occurrence in millions of American kitchens now that grocery store shelves are packed with convenience meals, and kids crave the junk food that fast food companies directly market to them.

Families spend less time eating together than they did a generation ago. According to a national poll conducted by RGA Communications in 1995, only one-third of U.S. families said they “usually have their evening meal together on a daily basis”.

Children are growing up without spending quality family time at the dinner table. That’s why we developed MealEasy.com – to help you bring good food back to your table.

You can push aside the guilt of opting for ease over nutrition, and spend just 15 minutes a week planning nutritious and quick to prepare meals for your family.

MealEasy.com makes it easy by providing everything you need to plan, shop, prepare and enjoy delicious, nutritious Chef-designed meals at home.

Healthy eating shouldn’t be difficult. Making the commitment to plan ahead and eat at home will lead you down the path to wellness, where you will save time and money, and feel great!

With just a little planning, you can schedule healthy eating into your diet and spend more valuable time together with loved ones.

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