Great news in the world of fats!

November 07 2013

By MealEasy in Uncategorized

take_out_pizza_inbox_tooThe FDA is moving towards eliminating artificial trans fats, the artery clogging substance that is a major contributor to heart disease in the United States, from the food supply.

The move concluded three decades of battles by public health advocates against artificial trans fats, which occur when liquid oil is treated with hydrogen gas and made solid. The long-lasting fats became popular in frying and baking and in household items like margarine, and were cheaper than animal fat, like butter. But trans fats have been shown over the years to raise the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) and actually decrease the amount of good cholesterol (HDL).

Used primarily today in fast food restaurants as cheap deep fryer oil and in some mass produced baked goods, artificial trans fats will be outlawed. This is something which we at MealEasy have done since the beginning. None of our meals exceed 0.5g of trans fats, be it artificial or naturally occurring. This goes to show that the only way to truly eat healthy is to make your meals at home using fresh, unprocessed ingredients.

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