Great News for Easter

April 02 2012

By MealEasy in Articles

Last week many news outlets were touting a new report that people who eat chocolate on a regular basis have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who do not. Chef Paul
This is great news the week before Easter. Now we can all eat chocolate without the guilt…bring on the Easter bunnies!
Of course, as with most things, moderation is the key. While studies have espoused for years that red wine is great for your heart, it turns out that any alcohol…and here’s the key “consumed in moderation”, will help lower the risks of heart disease.

And much like red wine or alcohol, too much of a good thing like chocolate might be bad in the long run. Best not to eat a whole Easter bunny in one sitting and that goes for young and old.
When planning meals for Easter weekend, don’t forget to include some wine, some chocolate but also remember your fruit and vegetables. While it’s good to indulge, it’s not so good to over indulge. A nice balance of fruits and vegetables are essential to maintain a healthy you…and of course some chocolate, too.

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