Get Organized!

December 03 2012

By MealEasy in Articles, Planning Tips

healthy meal planning

Do you experience anxiety at 2pm, 3pm or 4pm trying to remember what you have in the cupboards and on the shelves of your fridge?

If so, here’s some advice from Chef Paul:

Get organized and have fun in your kitchen!

• Take stock of your pots and pans. Get rid of those you don’t use, stack them in a deep drawer, or hang them from the ceiling.
• Clean out your fridge and store similar items in baskets, drawers and containers that keep items organized.
• Store pantry items in see-through containers that allow quick access with a glance.
• Clean out that junk drawer and vow to stop stuffing it full of “junk”!

Getting organized will save you time in the kitchen and give you more time to do the things you love.

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