Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

What do kids really want to eat?

October 10 2013

By MealEasy in Blog, Children, Family, Nutrition, Video

We get asked all the time here at MealEasy if we have any “kid friendly meals”. And to be honest, we’re often at a loss on how to answer this question.
What defines a “kid friendly meal”?

  • Is it something nutritious?
    Then yes we have those.
  • Is it something quick to prepare?
    Yes, we have those meals too.
  • Is it something straight out of a package or from a fast food joint?
    Then NO; those we don’t have.

This awesome video explains how we’ve been coerced into believing that sugar coated cereals and fat laden burgers and fries are what every kid wants. It’s great viewing and may change your mind about what is a “kid friendly meal”.



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Salmon, Kale and White Beans Dinner

November 14 2012

By MealEasy in Recipe, Video

Prepare to Eat Smart!

Plan ahead for a weekly balanced diet to ensure you’re getting the right amount of daily calories and nutrients to stick with your weight control goal and healthy lifestyle.

In this video, Chef Paul Routhier shows us how easy it is to make a delicious and healthy dish with Cod, Kale and White Beans.

For a Chef designed meal plan that includes an automated grocery list from more than 2000 detailed recipes that include calorie count and nutritional information, visit

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