Archive for the ‘Health & Wellness’ Category
Reversing High Blood Pressure / Hypertension With The Food We Eat
October 14 2019
Healthcare organizations are increasing their focus on the importance of the general public understanding the risks associated with high blood pressure / hypertension and the resulting health issues.
One out of three people have high blood pressure (hypertension) and it’s a primary risk factor for stroke or heart attack. Each year in the USA 795,000 people suffer a stroke, 600,000 are first time attacks. High blood pressure is considered to be the most important easily treatable risk factor for stroke!
Altering our lifestyle including what we eat is critical to preventing hypertension or high blood pressure.

How Can You Prevent Strokes?
Here are a few tips that can help:
- See your doctor for regular checkups.
- If you want to be more proactive, check your blood pressure periodically yourself. See your doctor if you notice any changes.
- Follow a low sodium healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, similar to the commonly recommended DASH diet. Or even easier, consider MealEasy’s Heart Healthy Meal Plan.
- Reduce your sugar intake. New studies suggest sugar intake may be more of a risk factor than salt in contributing to high blood pressure.
- Ensure to keep active daily.
What you eat is vitally important to preventing and possibly reversing high blood pressure and hypertension. For a helping hand consider signing up for the MealEasy Heart Healthy Meal Plan.

MealEasy gives you control over the food you eat. It provides easy to prepare delicious meals that can improve your overall health with each tasty bite, providing hundreds of chef designed heart healthy meals to choose from.
Diets by definition are temporary, and more often than not they fail. Making your own fresh home-made delicious meals with the help of a proven plan, you’re guaranteed to improve your health and well-being.
Using MealEasy you’ll also save significant money vs eating out, or prepackaged meals. Plus, you’ll gain the knowledge to make a better life for yourself and pass it on to generations to come.

Own Your Health, Control Your Destiny
April 04 2018
Over the years, we as society have lost control of our health. We willfully handed over the keys to our own wellbeing to others, whether we realize it or not, we have done so and continue to do. Most of us live our entire life unknowingly programmed to think and act a certain way when it comes to decisions about our health and we are much sicker and die many years prematurely as a result.
You may be thinking this can’t be true and no one in their right mind would do so, but let’s dig deeper and see.
On the surface everything seems normal. We live our lives hardly taking a breath to consider the fact that much of what we do with regards to our health has been influenced by what someone else wants us to do.
Doctors Have Good Intentions
Traditionally, when dealing with serious health issues our first line of defense is advice we receive from our doctors. Doctors are our mechanics that help fix us when our body is not working as it ideally should. They have good intentions and are there to help us in times of need, conducting much needed medical assessments, prescribing medications, directing us for further medical assistance, etc.
However, the majority of doctors are not trained to address the underlying cause of most chronic health issues (including our most prominent issues such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.), nor do they have the required time and methods to deal with the the underlying cause.
Most have only a few short minutes to see each patient and send them on their way. As much as they’d like to, the medical system is not designed to offer the level of support needed to achieve optimal health.
In most health cases, there is MUCH more that can be done to address specific health issues (without the need for potentially dangerous medications, or invasive medical procedures, that in many cases are unnecessary). This is not to discredit doctors or their advice in any way; they do what they’ve been trained to, but that’s not necessarily the best outcome for you as a patient.
Industry Influence
Each day we are bombarded with advertisements everywhere we look, including TV, web sites, emails, traditional mail, newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio ads, etc. Subconsciously we are progressively being influenced on what to buy, what to food to eat, what fast food restaurant to go to, what medicine to take, what pharmaceuticals and medical procedures we should ask our doctor about, etc. We are subconsciously being programmed to act and think a certain way, and much of what this leads to directly or indirectly influences our overall health.
Behind the scenes, industry giants influence our law makers by lobbying and pressuring specific decisions. This includes influencing what foods you will eat. Food sectors such as the sugar, artificial sweeteners, GMO (investing $101 million in 2015 alone to stop labeling of GMO foods) and processed food giants can and do pressure governments and health/food administrations on guidelines distributed to the public on safe food consumption; regardless of if it is truly safe to consume. In the end, the consumer pays the price with poorer health as a result of following guidelines that aren’t designed for truly optimal health.
What You Do Matters Most
Most of us likely already know that our own health is our own responsibility, but the majority of us aren’t really doing much at all about it. This is plainly evident in the obesity epidemic that is now totally out of control and related diseases that shorten our lifespans unnecessarily.
This is a wake up call to all of us that something is terribly wrong and something needs to be done!
The solution is that we each need to start taking our own health seriously and stop relying on others to do it for us. We are not victims of what others tell us to do and can determine our own destiny by the actions (or inactions) we take each minute of each day.
Yes, the medical industry has a time and place in the equation for good health, but what we do on our own is the most important part!
Yes, media and industry will continue to influence us as to what to buy.
But the key thing to remember is:
We have a choice in how we react!
The Underlying Cause
The most prominent health issues are a result of our lifestyle.
Please read that last sentence again and let it sink in.
It’s what we do or don’t do each day that for the most part determine our destiny, and this is particularly true when it comes to our health. What you eat throughout the day is perhaps the single biggest influence on your health.
Want to take control of your future? Then start by making better decisions each day. It’s that simple.
Avoiding processed foods is perhaps the single biggest thing you can do to change the future of your health (and that of your family and future generations as a result).
The Right Track To Optimal Health
Having read this article, the majority of us won’t change how we do things. The status quo is too ingrained in our lives and it’s purposefully easy for us to keep doing what we’ve always done, failing victim to influence that in the end severely harms our health. We as a society have essentially stopped thinking for ourselves.
But it doesn’t have to continue to be this way…
We can take back control of our own health and change our future. Here’s how.
When dealing with anything that relates to our health:
- Start thinking for ourselves
- Question what you are told
- ALWAYS do your own research
- Start using food as your medicine
- Have a plan and stick to it each day
These points are increasingly important as medical errors are the #3 cause of death in the USA!
It’s also now known that the most common chronic diseases are metabolic issues that can be addressed with lifestyle. Recent studies are now showing that these diseases are not primarily genetic and that what we do on a routine basis has a bigger impact then once thought.
For an easy way to get on a track to a healthier lifestyle, consider joining MealEasy today. It’s the reason we created it – to help you improve your health by helping you fix the underlying cause of poor health. Eat better, feel better with MealEasy.
Transform Your Life With Phytonutrients
December 30 2017
You’ve likely heard the word “phytonutrient” in the past, but there’s a good chance you don’t know what they are or why they are a vitally important component of good health and a good life. Once you learn what they are you may never look at food the same way again! Read on to find out just how powerful they are and help transform your health for the new year!
What Are Phytonutrients?
The first thing you may be wondering is what exactly are phytonutrients and why should you care about them?
Well, to explain simply, they are generally thought of as natural chemicals that food from plants are composed of. Generally these are found in foods that are fruits, vegetable, whole grains, nuts or legumes. In fact, the word “phyto” means “plant” in Greek.
These special nutrients help protect plant life from threats such as bugs, fungus and germs and consequently are also considered to be beneficial to protecting our own health; as well as prolonging our life when consumed.
There are over 25,000 types of phytonutrients, each with different properties and health benefits. Without getting too technical, they are for certain something you’ll want to ensure you eat enough of!
How To Use Them
A good rule of thumb is to look for and consume fruits and vegetables with lots of color. Foods with color are full of positive benefits that your body can use to improve and maintain good health. Each time you eat, try to be conscious of the color of the foods you put in your mouth. If most of what you eat has little or neutral colors, then there’s a good chance they are lower quality foods that lack phytonutrients.
So maybe our mothers’ were right when they kept telling us to eat our fruits and vegetables!
Example Phytonutrients
Some of the more well-known phytonutrients include:
- Carotenoids are one category of phytonutrients that have many known benefits. Typically they provide the red, yellow and orange colors found in fruits and vegetables. They are known to provide an abundance of antioxidants that protect the cells in our body from damage.
- Flavonoids another type of phytonutrient category contain numerous health benefits including reducing the risk of asthma, reducing/preventing some types of cancer, reducing inflammation, preventing chronic diseases, and reducing risks of heart disease.
- Lycopene is a phytonutrient found in red and pink colored fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon has particularly been linked to lower cases of prostate cancer.
- Resveratrol is another phytonutrient commonly found in grapes and products of grapes, such as red wine and grape juice. It is known to potentially help reduce incidents of heart disease and some types of cancer. Animal studies also show that it may aid in prolonging life.
There are so many it’s impossible to list them all, but these alone should demonstrate they should not be overlooked!
The Benefits
Phytonutrients provide so many advantages to your body that it’s impossible to list them all. Here are just a few benefits:
- Antioxidants are known to protect us from common health issues including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, eye health, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, along with many other conditions. In fact, many health experts believe that the aging process can be slowed by ensuring that one’s diet contains plenty of antioxidants!
- Immune system health is thought to benefit greatly when eating foods containing phytonutrients.
- Antibacterial/Antiviral properties are known to be present in foods high in phytonutrients.
- Hormones within the body are thought to be positively affected as well.
Important To Note
One thing to remember when it comes to phytonutrients is that you can’t cheat your way to including them in your diet. By this it means, that no supplement, pill or other trick will provide your body with phytonutrients! The only way to properly incorporate them in your life is to consumer healthy foods made of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and legumes.
Remember This!
When you shop AND eat, look for colorful ingredients, namely fruits and vegetables; which are in turn rich in phytonutrients.
The miraculous benefits they provide is nothing short of life changing if you learn to look out for them and use them daily at each meal.
We created MealEasy® with this in mind. To help anyone eat more health enriching foods, containing more phytonutrients and life changing health benefits.
For any easy way to start including more of these types of meals in your diet, consider joining MealEasy today. We built it for you and your health… Your body will thank you for it with better health, more energy and a positive outlook.
Are We Eating Real Food?
May 31 2017
Most of us are obsessed with food that tastes good, but don’t realize it’s often not suited for human consumption!
The reason we choose these processed foods is for convenience, however, there is an ENORMOUS price that we pay for that in terms of our health. We are under the assumption that healthy food does not taste good, but that’s far from the truth.
During recent years our diet has devolved to be primarily made up of “ultra-processed foods” that offer little nutritional value and are linked to our most serious health issues. In fact, 57.9% of what Americans now eat is considered ultra-processed, according to a study published in the BMJ Open medical journal!
By ultra-processed, it generally refers to foods composed of additives, colors, flavors, sweeteners, emulsifiers, that emulate the qualities of real unprocessed ingredients, in order to improve qualities of the final product and/or hide undesirable qualities. In other words, it is food that is intentionally manipulated to make consumers favor it more.
This side effects are much poorer health, as exhibited by the deteriorating health of our nations.
What We Eat Is No Longer Natural Food!
On a day-to-day basis, we don’t even think about what we are eating. This is illustrated by a sobering question… Did you know that America’s unprocessed vegetable consumption is less then 1%! Yes, you read that right!
We are no longer aware of what we put in our bodies at each meal and most of it is not real food!
Our bodies were not designed to deal with “food” that isn’t real food. We evolved without anything processed in our diets, and suddenly our generation is bombarded with it. These sudden dietary changes have resulted in numerous serious health conditions all being linked to the fake food we are consuming.
The sad truth is most of us are brainwashed by society and commercial interests to continuing eating the way we do. It’s convenient and everyone is doing it. We continue eating convenience foods, fast foods, frozen meals, boxes foods, restaurant meals; none of which are natural.
What’s The Solution?
Luckily, the solution is simple. The key to solving this is getting back to what our ancestors did. Eating real foods, made from whole food ingredients, made at home from scratch (raw natural ingredients).
You may be thinking, it’s too hard, or times have changed. And if you are, then you’re on the same unfortunate path as most of us.
Eating right doesn’t have to be complicated and it starts with cutting or severely reducing your consumption of processed foods. Learn more about how to do that here.
If you want a quick and easy way to get on the right track, you’re in luck! That’s exactly why we created MealEasy®. Consider joining the thousands who already have, and start a better future as a result. One small step in the right direction is all it takes to begin.
The Health Benefits of Wild Rice
May 17 2017
Wild Rice: A Nutritious and Tasty Alternative
It can sometimes be difficult finding ingredients that tick all the right boxes when it comes to taste, nutrition and affordability. And it is even more of a challenge if you are also having to take food intolerances or special dietary requirements into account. Yet wild rice could just be the answer to your prayers. If you’ve never cooked with it before, now could be the time to give it a try.
Contrary to what you might think, wild rice is not just a special variety of the white or brown rice with which you are familiar. In fact, it is not really a rice at all, but a type of aquatic grass. It contains no grain and no gluten, meaning it is even suitable for those with the strictest dietary constraints; essentially, wild rice is packed full of nutrients that we all need for a healthy body and immune system.
Rice That Is Not Rice
Wild rice is a term that is used to describe four distinct species of grass that are mostly native to North America. Its popularity has increased over recent years as people have got wise to its health benefits and rich, nutty flavor. The seeds are larger and more densely-packed with nutrients than conventional rice, meaning it packs a real punch from a nutritional perspective.
Ounce for ounce, it contains double the protein content of brown rice and more than ten times the selenium content – a vital mineral for the production of antioxidants that helps keep the body healthy and the immune system working properly.
Cooking With Wild Rice
Wild rice can be added to your regular diet as a substitute for white or brown rice as a healthy accompaniment to any meat, fish or vegetable dish. It is cooked in much the same way, but bear in mind that it will typically need at least 45 minutes boiling or steaming time, so schedule the rest of your dish accordingly.
It is also a great basis for a nutritious salad that is a little out of the ordinary, but is quick and easy to prepare.
The Next Great Superfood?
Healthy, nutritious and easy to prepare, yet tastes great and is suitable for those on a vegan, grain-free or gluten-free diet. It is easy to see why wild rice is gaining in popularity and being hailed as the latest superfood.
Join the revolution and try some today – you might never go back!
Cinnamon: A Simple Ingredient Can Have Incredible Power
March 21 2017
Did you know that cinnamon, a common ingredient that’s found in many of our own cupboards and used in many well know recipes, has some amazing properties!
Just a few of the things it can do for your health includes:
- Lowering blood sugar
- Reducing insulin resistance, including powerful anti-diabetic effects
- Reducing heart disease risk
- Providing you with beneficial antioxidants
- Exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties
- Potentially helping to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
- Protecting against cancer
- Fighting bacterial and fungal infections
Recent studies also indicate it may be beneficial for those with HIV.
Wow! That’s a lot of punch in something so simple that we all take for granted in our everyday lives. The cure is really in our cupboard isn’t it!?
So the next time you look at your food, remember it’s more then just something you put in your mouth to feed hunger. The choices you make with your food can have dramatic effects on your health if used the right way.
We created MealEasy as a family with this in mind. If you would like to boost your health to new levels, please consider giving MealEasy a try. Whether you use it to make one meal or hundreds, you’ll be making a big impact on your well-being!
Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for more helpful posts!
Believing And Having A Plan Will Change Everything!
January 11 2017
It’s a proven fact that 90% of traditional diets fail, so what is your chance of succeeding with a diet you may be considering for weight loss, or weight control?… 10%…. that’s all!!
Losing weight is one thing, keeping it off is another.
Planning is the key to your success; having a plan that is specific to losing weight is the ultimate solution to maintaining healthy weight for life.
Believe that your decision today will make a huge difference in your life. It will be inspirational and rewarding experience bringing an incredible transformation into your personal life.
Your health; your family’s health; your family life; your self-esteem, all being affected.
- Believe that it is about the food we eat. How much we eat plays a role to some degree, but what we eat is what matters the most!
- Believe that healthy food can also taste good. Preparing your own food allows you to modify the taste to your liking, still keeping it healthy. Preparing your own food can also be so much fun and above all, it’s rewarding.
- Believe you can do it. Frustrating!? Trying to eat the right food can be frustrating. Having a plan to guide you in making decision with what to eat every day is the key.
Planning is smart; Planning is time saving; Planning is money saving, but about all planning gives you an overview of what you eating not just one day, but over several days which is what is important in achieving the ultimate control over your food consumption.
How do we know?
Well, 12 years of being involved with people like you, trying to make sense of where to begin and then how to make healthy eating a way of life, gave us a true sense of where the problem is and why weight problems have now reached epidemic proportions in North America.
The MealEasy® Weight Loss Meal Plan will help you to facilitate the change you may be considering. We have developed MealEasy to help people to achieve their goals. Why a plan? Because… “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
For fast facts and helpful tips, please read on.
Sobering Facts About Being Overweight – What Can One Expect
- Significantly Shorter Lifespan
The top causes of death in the United States by far include heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and dementia. They are all linked to being overweight. A recent 2014 study at McGill University, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology found that being overweight shortens one’s life by almost a decade! Think about that for a moment… - Many Years Of Reduced Quality of Life
Not only that, but the study also found that it deprived people of 19 YEARS of healthy living! Imagine what you could do with those extra years! - The Problem Getting Worse
If that wasn’t enough, the obesity epidemic is getting worse! Efforts to slow it down are not working, because the root cause (the poor quality food choices we make) is continuing to be ignored. For the first time in roughly 20 years, a National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) study has shown a decline in life expectancy, which is believed to be in substantial part due to the growing obesity issue.
That is so scary! So, were do we go from here? Let’s look for the closest mirror we can find, look into it and say: Yes, I am worth it and I owe to myself and my family… and then do it! Do it NOW! There is no other way and the longer you wait the harder it gets. The time is now!
Were do I start?
- Start By Eating More Fresh Whole Foods.
The foods we often eat are not suitable for human consumption. Don’t give it to your pets either, that is, if you love them!
1) Eliminate all processed foods from your kitchen. As many as you can to start with.
2) Eliminate all sugary drinks, snacks, and anything else containing sugar, artificial sweeteners (including diet soda), or high fructose corn syrup.
3) Stop eating out! You have no idea what’s in the food you eat, when you eat out.
- Educate Yourself
Start learning about proper nutrition. This includes buying and eating primarily whole food ingredients like fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, unprocessed meats and fish, etc. Read the labels on everything you buy. Pay attention to what you drink too (e.g. zero-calorie pure water is your best source of hydration – not manufactured drinks).
- Cook At Home
Only by cooking your meals at home from scratch, will you have total control of what you put in your body (MealEasy can help with that). It doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t have to take lots of time… and yes it CAN taste amazing!
Responsibility Lays With Us
No government, food producer or school has responsibility for our own health – only we do, period!
Seek Help
Try MealEasy – Risk Free
In 2005 as a family we started MealEasy with your health in mind, to take all the guesswork out of making better food choices. Please consider taking matters into your own hands and sign up for any of MealEasy’s six plans including the Weight Loss Meal Plan. All are designed by professionals to be healthy and get you on the right track to improving your health one meal at a time.
The benefit of having a plan is in knowing ahead of time about choices you are making. Sporadic decisions lead to guesswork and wrong food choices!
The Hidden Dangers of Processed Foods
October 12 2016
Did you know that the eating processed foods is one of the leading causes of major health issues and weight problems? You may unknowingly be eating these unhealthy foods routinely. Find out how to reduce your consumption of these deadly foods. Do so and you can improve your wellbeing significantly, safeguarding your most precious asset – YOUR HEALTH!
You’ve likely heard the words “processed food” in the past, and perhaps don’t think of it much while browsing the isles at the grocery store each week.
You may be wondering “What are processed foods?”… Well, you can think of them as any food that is unnatural, or does not occur naturally in nature. This includes foods that have been altered from their original form by addition of additives, preservatives, hormones, vitamins and minerals, heat treatments (that destroy natural enzymes), fatty acids, chemicals or that contain genetically altered ingredients.
Why Do Processed Foods Exist?
There are several reasons including to prolong the shelf life of the food, “enhance” flavor, make the food more esthetically appealing, and in general to try to get you (the consumer) to buy more and reduce associated cost to the food producer. Most processed foods are design with convenience in mind, ahead of your wellbeing.
Types of Processed Foods
Browsing the grocery store, you’ll begin to recognize that more and more of the foods we eat today are processed in some form. We as consumers need to keep our eyes open when purchasing food. This includes reading labels. It’s our own responsibility to choose what we eat carefully and individually to take control of our own health – no one else will do it for us!
In general most foods that are packaged, canned, or in some cases frozen are very likely to be processed in some form. Many have a very long shelf life.
More specifically, you’ll likely want to avoid these common culprits:
- Refined sugar including its variations such as corn syrup / high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, maltodextrin, sucrose, etc.
- Refined carbohydrates such as items with refined white flour.
- Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Equal / NutraSweet), Neotame, Saccharin (SugarTwin / Sweet’N Low) and Sucralose (a.k.a. Splenda)
- Chemically processed foods including artificial coloring, flavors, added textures or food additives.
- Soft drinks, or drinks with added sugar (including any of the refined sugar or artificial sweeteners, colorings or flavors)
- Fast foods
- Junk food
- Processed meats
- Frozen foods
- Refined wheat flour, including bleached white flour
- Boxed food items
- Margarine and hydrogenated vegetable fat
- Refined vegetable oil
- Canned items
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Foods – Hint: By avoiding the foods listed above, it will help reduce your exposure to the ever increasing use of unnatural and potentially detrimental effects of genetically modified foods that are more commonly used in processed foods.
In addition to avoiding the foods listed above, whenever possible it’s advisable to eat organic products including produce, milk product and meets, as organic foods are subject to less processing and reduce to odds of the damaging effects of processed foods. The more processed foods you eat, the more you are subjecting your body to its dangers.
Before explaining the dangers, it should be noted that not all processed foods are bad food choices. Though it’s always preferable to eat fresh whole foods that resemble their most natural form, some processed foods can be eaten safely as part of a balanced diet, and/or in moderation. For example, frozen vegetables or fruits are not necessarily bad choices though fresh alternatives of course are healthier.
The processed foods that are of concern are more so the chemically processed foods.
What Are the Dangers of Processed Foods?
There’s no question you want to slash your risk of disease, improve your overall health and live a longer happier life. We all do, but most of us don’t take action and don’t realize the MOST EFFECTIVE way to achieve this is by paying closer attention to what we eat!
Studies confirm that the effects of processed foods are making us sicker, fatter and shortening our lives at increasing rates.
Processed foods generally contain high amounts of refined sugar and/or carbohydrates (see the list of “refined sugar” types above). This is a major concern, as the human body was never designed to eat so much sugar. Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to many diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and even cancer. Consuming too much refined carbohydrates in general can also lead to issues such as insulin resistance; a precursor to many chronic diseases.
You are likely unaware of just how much sugar is in typical items you use regularly. Items that may not seem like they contain much sugar, in fact have very high amounts and it all adds up throughout the day.
On top of this, processed foods contain artificial ingredients such as preservatives, colorings and flavors that are designed in the interest of food manufactures, and not your health. Studies confirm that many of these have been linked to allergic reactions, cancer, and other diseases.
Another major issue is the amount of unhealthy fats, known as trans fats. These fats are commonly used in processed items, and has been linked to many health issues including heart disease.
These convenience foods also lead to one of the developing world’s biggest issues… obesity. Processed foods generally have much more calories vs natural alternatives and have less fiber content. This leads to eating too many of the wrong type of calories and in the end, weight gain.
Interestingly, recent studies on saturated fats and heart disease, show whole food sources such as eggs, dairy products, meats, etc. are healthy to eat and are not linked to heart problems; so long as trans fats are avoided.
Think twice when you eat processed foods – they’re more dangerous then they may seem.
What Should You Do?
Thankfully, there is an easy solution. All you need to remember is to buy mostly whole foods, and minimize processed items. Be mindful of what you are putting in your grocery cart.
Think of it this way: If it wasn’t in that form in nature, there’s a good chance it’s not the best food choice that your body was designed to eat.
Look for fresh vegetables, fruits, unprocessed meats, eggs, nuts, seeds and avoid boxed items, cans, and convenience foods and make your meals at home.
An easy way to improve your health and avoid the dangers of processed food is to have a plan about what you will eat and to make meals from scratch at home. By doing so you avoid unhealthy purchases, and know without a doubt you are eating the right foods for optimal health and wellbeing.
If you would like help planning whole food meals please consider joining MealEasy. All of our meal plans are based on using unprocessed whole foods. You’ll see step-by-step how to make a huge variety of delicious healthy meals the easy way. Improve your diet significantly by giving it a try.
5 Commonly Asked Questions About Vegetarian Diet
May 28 2016
Adopting a vegetarian diet has gained much attention in recent years. Whether it is animal welfare or health concerns, an increasing number of Americans are embracing a vegetarian diet. Continue reading
At Risk of Diabetes? Make these Dietary Changes!
May 02 2016
Whether you are at high risk of type 2 diabetes or have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, prevention is a big challenge. Given the increasing instances of the condition, diabetes prevention should be your top priority, especially when you are at high risk due to being overweight or family history. Continue reading